Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which they are consumed. There are various forms of renewable energy that are derived directly or indirectly from the sun or from heat generated deep within the earth. Renewable energy is generated from sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and ocean resources, solid biomass, biogas, and liquid biofuels. However, biomass is a renewable resource only if its rate of consumption does not exceed its rate of regeneration.
Electricity generation by class of electricity producer (electric utilities, electricity producers, industries, etc.) and type of electricity generation (hydroelectric, combustible fuels, wind, etc.). Data are presented at the national and provincial levels, however not all combinations are available.
Data presented on petroleum and other liquids by supply and disposition characteristics (e.g., production, exports, inventories, products supplied). Not all combinations are available.
Data presented on petroleum and other liquids by supply and disposition characteristics (e.g., production, exports, inventories, products supplied). Not all combinations are available.
Data presented on renewable plant statistics by supply and disposition characteristics (e.g., production, shipments, inventories ). Not all combinations are available.
Direct energy use (terajoules) and direct greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide equivalents) (kilotonnes) associated with the environmental and clean technology products sector, by goods and services category.
Annual output, intermediate consumption, and gross value added of the environmental and clean technology produtcs sector, by goods and services category, for Canada, provinces and territories.
Annual estimates of the environmental and clean technology products sector employment and average earnings, by product category, for Canada, provinces and territories.
Annual gross value added, taxes less subsidies, compensation of employees, mixed income and gross operating surplus of the environmental and clean technology products sector, per goods and services category, for Canada, provinces and territories.
Annual gross domestic product at basic prices, implicit gross domestic product deflator, and real gross domestic product at basic prices of the environmental and clean technology products sector, per goods and services category, for Canada, provinces and territories.
Annual international imports and exports of the environmental and clean technology products sector, by goods and services category, for Canada, provinces and territories.
This publication presents energy balance sheets in natural units and heat equivalents in primary and secondary forms, by province. Each balance sheet shows data on production, trade, interprovincial movements, conversion and consumption by sector. Analytical tables and details on non-energy products are also included. It includes explanatory notes, a historical energy summary table and data analysis. The publication also presents data on natural gas liquids, electricity generated from fossil fuels, solid wood waste and spent pulping liquor.
This reference guide is intended for users of the Survey of Environmental Goods and Services (SEGS). The tables indicate which technologies and services were included in SEGS.
This report shows trends in Canada's energy use, energy intensity, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions between 2000 and 2020. It also shows trends in Canada's energy use within the residential sector, commercial and institutional sector, industrial sector, and transportation sector.
The Energy Fact Book provides key information on energy markets in Canada in a format that is easy to consult, providing solid foundation for Canadians to understand and discuss important developments across the energy sector.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
This report states the energy production of each province including: Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum Products (RPPs), Natural Gas/Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), Electricity, Trades, Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and more.
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